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spiritbreaker is a solo tabletop roleplaying gamewhere you play as as a form of exorcist, armed with a box that holds spirits, your chosen equipment, and a power that makes you unique among those facing down the persistent dead. 

You will travel through a location warped by a single spirit overcome by one terrible and overriding emotion. Your goal is to release, destroy, or capture them and bring the location back to normalcy.

You will have to push yourself to succeed. You will find yourself weighed down by omens and strange encounters.  But without you, the world will be left to the whims of restless ghosts.

To play, you will need:

  • A d6
  • A copy of the character sheet
  • A copy of the Displacement sheet for each unique excursion

This work is based on the Push SRD, developed, authored, and edited by Cezar Capacle, and licensed for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

The Needle is inspired by the Lay on Hands SRD’s Oracle. 

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
Authorkay w.
TagsGhosts, physical, Solo RPG, Tabletop role-playing game


Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

In order to download this displacement you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:

spiritbreaker final.pdf 23 MB
spiritbreaker character sheet.pdf 111 kB
spiritbreaker displacement sheet.pdf 114 kB

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  • Tips in $3 increments over the initial price add 1 additional copy per $3. 

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Hello! I bought this today, and it looks cool, but I have a rules question: when explaining how to roll, it says roll 1d6, with 7 or above being a miss. However, I'm not seeing anything about adding to the roll, so how would I ever miss? I feel like I'm missing the explanation but I haven't found it.

Hey there! So, on your initial roll, you can't roll a 7. However, this uses the Push system. By design, in the Push system, when you roll a 4 or lower on your d6, it's a weak hit—but you can choose to roll an additional 1d6 and add it to that result. You have to add that value, even if it pushes you over 7 and turns it into a miss. Think of it as a risk vs. reward—eat the weak  hit, or take a risk to see if you can push it into a strong hit, but it might also become a disastrous miss.

I hope this helps! If not I can diagram out a few rolls for you.

This makes perfect sense. I went back and found the explanation in the rules--my brain kept skipping over it, apparently. Thanks!