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this game is fantastic! i loved the way it was both about a story weaver, and the player themself was tasked with weaving the story through their choices for the tapestries. very neat mechanic. and the stories themselves were beautiful

(2 edits)

"A house made by two people out of truth." 

ok there's a lot of lines in here that got me but that Got me. i loved them. i hope they're still living well, on another quiet night, or a busy one, whichever they prefer.

and i loved the dreamy way the flashbacks to the scenes of your mentor and little diversions of inner thought got worked in. a lot.

oh and: "Soon tragedy will mar her life in some way, cracking the glow of her open and letting the world seep in like fetid water." like. oof. wow

it's hard to pick out just a few threads of this to highlight in a comment when you're such an excellent weaver. <3